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Watery eyes, sneezing, coughing...all those allergy symptoms that sufferers tire of...are actually all signs that your immune system is working perfectly. Your body has recognized an intruder – a foreign body or allergen – and is fighting it off. But if you’re one of the estimated 54 million Americans that suffer from allergies, you know how painful and exhausting living with allergies can be and you probably just want them gone.

Science tells us that the first time your body encounters an allergen (a particle your body considers foreign) – pet dander, pollen, peanuts – an antibody specific to that allergen tags it so that your defense system can quickly recognize and deal with it. Then, each time you come into contact with that particular allergen, within minutes, your body recognizes it and releases powerful defenses to rid your yourself of the intruder. The problems start when the immune system becomes overworked and overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of chronic allergies perhaps leading to asthma, COPD, psoriasis and other serious disorders.

Now, patients in Franklin Tennessee and around the country are telling us that their suffering has come to an end thanks to a LASER treatment. Let me share with you the stories of a few of these patients.

Meet Joe …

Joe had such terrible allergies that just mowing the lawn would make him feel sick to his stomach. Now that was bad enough, but the worst part of his allergies was the family dog. Just petting the dog for five minutes would cause Joe’s eyes to swell, get itchy and water, then his throat would close up and he had a hard time breathing. He was determined not to give up and rehome his pet and so he suffered. Then, he saw something on TV ... something new, something that claimed to be a revolutionary treatment that was having some success in getting rid of allergies. What was this new treatment?...Joe wanted to know. The news reporter called it 21st century acupuncture. He called and made an appointment. Later, he told us,“I could tell a difference during my first treatment. I came in with my head all stopped up. Halfway through that treatment, I felt my nose clear and I could take a deep breath again.”

Dr. Allison of Wellness Center of Franklin LLC is one of the few to have this device in Tennessee. It’s called and NRG LASER and by combining NRG treatments with good nutrition and other natural methods of promoting health, Dr. Allison says the results have been amazing.

Now, let’s meet Mary…

After suffering with severe COPD for years and seeing a slew of specialists, Mary still wasn’t able to take a deep breath and any amount of talking caused coughing fits. “I went through all kinds of treatment and medications. I really was beat down and ready to give up.” But, what’s her advice today after undergoing NRG treatment?... “If you haven’t tried it, you need to. It really did work for me.”

The NRG Immune Enhancing System works by stimulating acupuncture points that are related to allergies. The stimulation releases endorphins. Basically, the cool laser fools the body into thinking that those frequencies – those digitized allergies – are not something harmful. The treatment takes a few minutes for the laser to trace the ears, clavicles, hands, feet and spine with absolutely no pain.

Sounds too good to be true right? A treatment so simple and painless couldn’t really work…or could it?

Let’s ask Dalton and his parents…

Dalton had suffered severe inflammation and asthma since infancy, particularly around cats. After a couple of treatments with NRG, Dalton’s mom called his father at work… “Guess what we’re doing (she said excitedly) ... we’re at the neighbor’s house, and Dalton is petting a CAT!” She went on to report “No wheezing, no asthma symptoms at all.” Note: Prior to treatment, petting a cat would have been a guaranteed visit to the ER for Dalton and his family, along with a couple of weeks on steroids and inhaler use just to get by.

And then there’s Michelle…

On her first office visit, Michelle reported seasonal allergies that hampered her lifestyle since she loves the outdoors. After just four visits, she was telling everyone in the office ... “It’s been phenomenal. Last year, at this time, I would not have been able to be outside for more than 30 minutes. I couldn’t wear my contacts because my eyes were so itchy and watery. I had constant sneezing and sniffling. Now, I have my life back ... it’s wonderful!”

The simple version of how this works

We asked Dr. Allison to explain how this system works such wonders for so many. “First, sensors (that are connected to a computer) test you for tens of thousands of allergies – seasonal, food, chemical, environmental and pet”, Dr. Allison explained. “The computer takes the information from the sensors, picks out the frequencies of the allergens that cause your body to freak out … you know, the ones that start the allergic reactions you are so familiar with … and then sends that information to the laser. The laser then targets those bothersome frequencies, rebalancing and soothing your body into not freaking out over the allergen’s imaginary attack.”

The average person needs just 12 visits to clear their current allergies. Of course, as we age or come into contact with new allergens, and the body has a chance to build resistance to them, the treatment may need to be repeated. But, those old allergies are history. And, Dr. Allison said that the laser system he uses is FDA approved to be safe.

This treatment is new and doesn’t have proof in the form of well-designed clinical trials that show it cures allergies yet... but those we talked to claim they are cured. Joe says he went through shots for five years along with prescription medication to battle his allergies and nothing worked...until now. After his treatment, he can mow the lawn and still breathe clearly. Of course, the best part for Joe is being able to enjoy the dogs he loves so much.

Dr. Allison states that the NRG Immune Enhancement System helps with more than just seasonal or pet allergies. It’s also been successfully used with allergy-related skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. It’s even been helpful to kids with behavioral problems related to allergies. This treatment can be used for any age, any allergy.

*Caution: No one with implanted electrical devices such as pacemaker will be treated.

Call The Wellness Center of Franklin, LLC to make an appointment and try it out for yourself.

Call 615-790-6363.

"A great life starts with great health."

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