The Bio Kinetic Chain

All parts of your body are linked together. And your feet are the foundation!
Even though all your body parts are connected and affect one another, your feet are what we at the Wellness Center of Franklin call, the "foundation". Your entire body is supported and balanced by your feet. Therefore, if your feet are pronated (as 99% of all people's feet are), your body will suffer – starting with either the knee, hip, or back.
When something goes wrong with one of our parts and we experience pain, traditional medical doctors attempt to treat patients using prescriptions or surgery. This, in our opinion, is a very narrow view of solutions and care.
We are mindful of the whole body – specifically the musculoskeletal system. When Dr. Allison meets with a patient, he observes data through 3D scans and x-rays, pinpoints the root cause of the problem, and applies treatment.
Even though treatment may involve chiropractic or physical therapy, it usually begins with Foot Levelers Custom Orthotics. Why? Because our feet are the "foundation" of the body and Foot Levelers has a tremendous reputation for making the best custom orthotics on the planet.
Since 99% of all people have foot pronation (often causing imbalances and stresses in the knees, which in turn puts stress on the hip, back, and even our neck), custom orthotics are a vital solution to whole body health. This is the bio kinetic chain in action. When our feet are stabilized and in balance, the rest of the kinetic chain will function as it should – pain free! But when our feet are pronated and de-stabilized, the rest of the kinetic chain will be negatively impacted – typically resulting in pain and loss of function.
With and Without Orthotics
Real-life, real-world experience...for nearly 70 years, Foot Levelers has analyzed millions of feet. One thing we've learned: 99% of the population overpronates!
What does that mean for you? It means your feet do not perform like the optimal foot. As a result, your body is suffering which brings pain, underperformance, and injury.
Plastic Deformation
Plastic deformation happens when the soft tissue of the foot stretches over time, causing fallen arches and affecting the Foot/Spine Connection.

Soft tissue in the arches is constantly under stress.

Over time, that stress results in fallen arches (plastic deformation), leading to knee, back and even neck pain.

By supporting the feet, orthotics help alleviate pain throughout the body. Orthotics and the Foot/Spine Connection
Static support
During a standing posture, the alignment of the arches in each foot has a significant impact on the position of the legs and pelvis. When the arches are low and/or pronating excessively, the knee will rotate. A research study using radiographic measurements found that custom-made, flexible orthotics can significantly improve the alignment of the arches when standing.
Dynamic support
During gait, the foot must permit a smooth transfer of the body’s center of mass over the leg to conserve energy and keep the work expenditure to a minimum. This requires an orthotic to be flexible yet supportive, and orthotic designs must consider:
Weight and intensity of forces
proper movement and function of the foot
support of all three arches to prevent eventual arch collapse

Postural benefits
Improving foot alignment can help maintain knee, hip, pelvis,
and even spinal postural alignment. Preventing hip, knee, or spinal joint degeneration requires the additional support and shock absorption provided by orthotics. And a pelvic or spinal tilt or recurrent subluxations will often respond rapidly to orthotic support.
In Layman terms, custom orthotics from Foot Levelers are excellent products that work well at balancing the musculoskeletal system – enabling a healthy lifestyle.

Ready to see if custom orthotics can help your foot, knee, back or neck pain, call the Wellness Center of Franklin office at (615)790-6363 and Dr. Allison will be happy to evaluate you.